News & Events

Bringing A-LEAF to Tarragona University

| May 17, 2018

Tarragona Universitat Rovira i Virgili hosted the XI Jornades sobre Química Verda (9th workshop on Green Chemistry), this year dedicated to alternative energy vectors. This workshop is addressed to undergraduate students, as part of the URV program on environmental issues and climate change. The initiative consists of multiple events to spread the importance of chemistry in the development of a sustainable professional and societal landscape.

This year, A-LEAF was invited to participate in the central event, with a lecture by our own coordinator, JR Galan-Mascaros, titled “Artificial Photosynthesis: Clean energy for our future society”. This gave A-LEAF an extraordinary opportunity to share with undergraduate students (over 100 participants!) our strategy, and commitment. One of the key objectives of A-LEAF, beyond our technological challenge, is the active participation to increase societal awareness about plaussible solutions for the future energy pool. We thank the organizers for this great opportunity!